Students love thinking that their teacher is the best, and teachers love to encourage this. Sometimes it’s true. But more often, it’s not. How can you tell the difference?
The Proper Dosage of Qigong
It can help to think of Qigong as medicine. If you aren’t getting the results that you want, then the first place to look is at the dosage of that medication. Are you taking enough medicine? Do you even know what the proper dosage is?
5 Ways to Stay Zen During the Holidays [Updated]
It’s that time of year again! Time to gather with family, relax, enjoy good food and conversation, and leave all of your stress behind. Right? If that’s not how you typically experience the holiday season, if you need some help staying Zen during the holiday season, then here are 5 tips that you can start using immediately.
7 Reasons Why Sitting Meditation Isn’t For You
These days, sitting meditation is very popular. It’s not uncommon to see health-related websites casually recommend that you should practice sitting meditation for 30-60 minutes a day. This is craziness. Here’s why.
Why Your Back REALLY Hurts
Back pain is not just physical. The sooner you recognize this, the sooner you can start to heal. I’m guessing that, if you’ve read this far, it’s because the orthodox treatments have already failed you…