In the ancient classics, the Small Universe (小周天, or xiao zhou tian) is often referred to as the ultimate Qigong technique. In other words, all other forms of Qigong pale in comparison.
Where in the World is Dantian?
“”Schweeet!” I thought. I was 19 years old, and my karate teacher was talking about a mysterious energy field located in the abdomen. I couldn’t wait to experience it for myself! That was my first exposure to the concept of dantian (丹田), and it turned out to be a huge disappointment. I had to wait 10 years before I actually felt anything other than frustration at dantian.
History of Qigong: Bone Marrow Cleansing
Unlike the other two Qigong sets that Bodhidharma taught, there are no written records of the techniques for Bone Marrow Cleansing. Some people think this means that the art has been lost. But the art was not lost.
The 5-Phase Flowing Zen Routine
The 5-Phase Routine is one of my biggest secrets. It is the culmination of decades of experience and experimentation. I inherited some of this routine from my teachers, and later tweaked it myself based on my teaching experience.
Who Else Wants a Stress Free Life?
I’m a lot like most Americans. I live in the suburbs. I work 60-70 hours per week. I have student loans and credit card bills. I empty the dishwasher and walk the dog. But unlike most Americans, I live a stress-free life.