Charlie Brown was definitely a qigong master. He knew about the connection between posture, biochemistry, and energy. His wisdom is forever immortalized in this old Peanuts cartoon: There’s so much wisdom in this cartoon, but when I first saw it, I was a little offended. “It’s a serious illness,” I thought to myself. “Depression isn’t […]
Is it Wise to Practice Qigong While Sick?
“I have a miserable cold. Is it wise to do qigong during this time and if so, which forms might be better?”
Why Sitting is Killing You (and How Qigong Can Help)
If you haven’t heard the news, people are calling sitting the new smoking. If you want to do one additional thing on top of practicing Qigong and Tai Chi then I recommend that you get up from your chair and move around often. Here are some tips and ideas….
Why Qigong and Calisthenics are NOT the Same
This is my nightmare. This is what wakes me up at night screaming “NOOOOOOO!” like Luke Skywalker after he found out that Darth Vader was his father.
[Video] Tai Chi Flow Class – Beginners Welcome
Too often, tai chi is performed in a stiff and rigid way. In this video, I’ll give you some simple tips for creating more flow in your tai chi whether you’re a fresh beginner or a seasoned practitioner.