When I lived in New York, I enjoyed getting up early to go practice Qigong in the city parks. At dawn in parks all over New York, something magical (and often amusing) happens.
Help! I Can’t Decide What Qigong Exercises To Practice!
In the old days, disciples were lucky to learn a handful of Qigong and/or Tai Chi exercises. The question of what to practice never really arose. You simply practiced everything you knew!
Why You Should Quit Your Job, Move To Florida, And Open A Tai Chi Studio
Ten years ago, I did something stupid. Totally crazy. And risky. At least that’s what the voices in my head told me.
But there were other voices in there too. You know — the voices that encourage you to be brave, to go for what you want, to chase your dreams.
You know what I’m talking about. I know you do.
But more about you later. First, let’s talk about me.
How Kung Fu Masters Build Discipline (You May Be Surprised)
Wouldn’t you like to know their secret? I mean, if you had that kind of discipline, you could make amazing changes, build healthy new habits, eliminate bad ones, and create the life you dream of! I’ll reveal their secret, and it may very well change your life. But I’m warning you: You’re probably going to be surprised.
Why I Practice Qigong (and Tai Chi) at Dawn
The classics say that dawn is the best time to practice Qigong. I absolutely agree. And not just because it’s written in the classics, but because over the past 16 years, I’ve tried it all.