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Twenty years ago, in the winter of 1992, I signed up for my first martial arts class. After growing up watching endless hours of Kung Fu Theater on Saturday morning TV, I finally decided to take the plunge.
You've probably heard it before: If you can't measure it, you can't manage it. This truism also applies to arts like Tai Chi, Qigong, Kung Fu, and Meditation. If you aren't measuring your progress, then you aren't managing your arts (or yourself!).
Are you struggling with keeping your practice regular? Do you sincerely want to get back on track with your practice?
Would you rather take 6 months to accomplish a goal, or 6 years? I prefer the former. What about you?
I used to get sick 4 times a year, like clockwork. I would stay sick for a week or so, and I would usually miss a few days of work as a result. It was miserable.


I'm Anthony Korahais. Since 2005, I've been helping people from all over the world to get remarkable results with the ancient

Chinese healing art of qigong. This art literally saved my life, and I'm passionate about helping others discover the amazing things that it can do for them! Read More…

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