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At the end of our practice, we go through a series of steps that we call The Closing Sequence. Here is a video review of the complete sequence.
You should never be concerned with the money that you spend on learning this art because, one way or another, it's going to come right back to you..
I'm willing to bet that most people my age don't feel as good as I do. I think most 40-year-olds feel that they are gradually getting worse. I don't. I'm getting better and better.
In my Karate days, my daily training was much different than it is today. The famous Karate master, Mas Oyama, offered the following advice: "Train more than you sleep." That was the philosophy that I followed back then. I practiced hard. I pushed myself. I trained as much as possible. I suffered, but I endured.
What do Cosmos Qigong, Shaolin Kung Fu, and Zen Meditation have in common? Sure, they're all energy arts, and they all came from the Shaolin Temple. But did you know that they also came from the same man?


I'm Anthony Korahais. Since 2005, I've been helping people from all over the world to get remarkable results with the ancient

Chinese healing art of qigong. This art literally saved my life, and I'm passionate about helping others discover the amazing things that it can do for them! Read More…

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