A few months ago, I was on a business trip. After a long day at conference, I decided to stop in a cafe for some refreshments. Just for fun, I asked the server for a “tai chi latte”.
I figured it was worth a shot. I didn’t get a cosmic latte, but I did get a delicious cup of chai tea, which was almost as good.
If you don’t get the joke, then keep reading. You will soon. Along the way, you’ll also learn about the difference between qigong and tai chi. As a bonus, you may also develop a taste for chai tea.
If you’re confused about the difference between tai chi and qigong, don’t fret. You’re not alone. Even among tai chi teachers, there is a ton of confusion and misunderstanding. So grab a cup of chai tea, relax, and read on. You’re sure to learn a few things.
Let’s start with some working definitions so that we have a good springboard to jump from:
- QIGONG is the ancient Chinese art of energy cultivation. It is especially beneficial for boosting health, vitality, and mental clarity. Alternate spellings include: qi gong; chi kung; chi gong.
- TAI CHI is a form of Chinese Kung Fu. It is a martial art that emphasizes softness, internal energy development, and spiritual cultivation. It also happens to be good for the health. Alternate spellings include: tai chi chuang; taijiquan; taiji.
- CHAI TEA is a delicious, spicy beverage from South Asia. It can be enjoyed with or without milk.
So why is there so much confusion out there? Why, for example, does WebMD get it wrong? Perhaps they need a delicious cup of Chai Tea to help clear their minds?
Before we go any further, we need to fix some terminology. When people say tai chi, what they really mean is the art called Tai Chi Chuan.
The word “chuan” (拳) means martial art. So Tai Chi Chuan really means Cosmos Martial Art. In other words, it is a martial art that follows the natural laws of the cosmos.
Most people leave off the chuan, especially in America. The term tai chi has become ubiquitous. It has gotten to the point where if you say Tai Chi Chuan, people look at you funny. After scratching their heads for a minute, they eventually say, “Oh, you mean tai chi!”
When you say “tai chi”, it’s technically incorrect. But that’s the phrase in common usage, so good luck trying to change it. Believe me – I’ve tried. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.
In an effort to better educate people about these arts, I myself have adopted the term tai chi. That’s the only way people understand you. And if they don’t understand you, then you’ll never be able to educate them, no matter how much free chai tea you offer them.
Nevertheless, it’s important for us to understand the difference between tai chi (a philosophy) and Tai Chi Chuan (an internal martial art). I’ll explain more about this in a bit.
But first, let’s talk about spelling. Chinese is pretty confusing for Americans. The fundamental problem is simple. How the heck do you spell a word that looks like this:
Well, there’s more than one way to skin a cat, and there’s more than one way to spell a Chinese word in English. Over the years, there have been different attempts at phonetically spelling Chinese words. The two most widely known spelling systems are called Wade-Giles, and Pinyin.
Pinyin vs. Wade Giles vs. Starbucks
The Pinyin spelling system was developed in the 1950s. Today, it is the official way to transcribe Chinese characters into Western writing. But it didn’t become the official system until the 1980s.
Before the 1980s, other systems were also used, notably the Wade-Giles system.
If you know both systems, you know that Pinyin is the superior one. (I talk more about this in my book.)
Nevertheless, people typically just use what they are familiar with. And in America, people are more familiar with Wade-Giles. That’s why you’re used to seeing the spelling “tai chi” (Wade-Giles) as opposed to “tai ji” (Pinyin).
If you write an email to a friend and say that you’re taking tai ji, she probably won’t understand what you mean. There’s a good chance she’ll think you’re at Starbucks drinking chai tea. In that case, she’ll probably be wondering why you didn’t invite her to join you.
If you write that you’re taking tai chi, she’ll immediately have a clearer picture of what you mean. Most Americans, without even knowing it, recognize the Wade Giles spelling for tai chi.
What about qigong? The Wade Giles spelling is Chi Gong. But today, the Pinyin spelling (qi gong, or qigong) is more widely recognized.
Why? Probably because the art of qigong didn’t make it to America until much later than tai chi. Whereas tai chi came here in the 1960s, it wasn’t until 20-30 years later that people started to hear about qigong.
Although qigong is more widely recognized, it is also more widely mispronounced. Actually, tai chi is also widely mispronounced. Chai tea, thankfully, is usually pronounced correctly.
Before we talk more about pronunciation, let’s quickly talk about dialects.
There are dozens of them in Chinese, but the two main dialects are Cantonese and Mandarin. Of the two, Mandarin has been adopted as the national dialect of China, and it is becoming the worldwide standard for speaking Chinese.
I’ll use the Mandarin pronunciation for that reason, and also because it’s the one that I speak best.
Keep in mind that it’s only the dialect that varies; the writing remains the same. For example, if you had a newspaper article in Chinese, both the Cantonese and the Mandarin speaker would be able to read and understand it. But if they read it out loud, it would sound completely different.
There is no perfect comparison for English speakers. The best comparison would be someone with a thick Scottish accent who you could hardly understand. You could both read the same books, but reading those books out loud would sound pretty different.
Here are the correct pronunciations using the Mandarin dialect:
- QI is pronounced “chee” (rhymes with “free” and sounds like the word “cheese” without the ending. )
- GONG is pronounced “gung” (rhymes with “hung”, and sounds a bit like the word “gunk”)
- TAI is pronounced like the English word “tie” (the thing men wear around their necks).
- CHI is pronounced like the English word “gee” (as in “gee whiz”).
Don’t make the mistake of saying “key gung” for qigong. The first word should sound like “chee”, not “key”. This one annoys me to no end when I hear it from instructors. I would rather them say “chai gong” than “key gong”. At least chai is tasty.
Most people also mispronounce the “chi” in tai chi. It should sound like the letter “G”. It should NOT sound like the “chee” from Qi Gong. But, since it’s already in common usage, it’s a tough battle.
If you thought that the chi from tai chi meant energy, then prepare to have your mind blown. The “qi” (chee) from qigong does indeed mean energy; but the chi from tai chi does not.
Don’t worry. You’re not alone if you thought this. I would venture to guess that 50% of people who practice Tai Chi are misinformed. Unfortunately, the same is true of many tai chi teachers.
In fact, I once met a Tai Chi teacher who tried to argue with me on this point. He thought I was crazy to suggest that the “chi” from tai chi didn’t mean energy.
He’s entitled to his own opinion, of course, but not his own facts:
- The Chinese character qi (氣) means energy. That much is simple.
- The Chinese character ji (極,) means ultimate. That’s a literal translation. When combined with the word Tai (太), the two then mean “Cosmos”.
So technically, tai chi (or Tai Ji in the Pinyin spelling) means “Cosmos”.
Grand Ultimate Fist?
The typical translation of Tai Chi Chuan is “Grand Ultimate Fist”. It’s an awful translation and I’m not sure where it came from. It shows a lack of understanding of classical Chinese, as well as Chinese philosophy. As I said earlier, the translation should be Cosmos Martial Art or even Cosmos Kung Fu.
Of course, Tai Chi Chuan is based on the flow of qi (energy), hence the confusion. To eliminate the confusion, a new spelling of Tai Chi Chuan is often used: Tai Ji Quan. This is more correct, but as I said, it’s not widely recognized by Americans.
What about chai tea? Well, be prepared to have your mind blown AGAIN! Guess what the Hindi word for tea is? Yep. It’s chai!!
So when you say “chai tea”, you’re actually saying “tea tea”. Which is fine, since tea is so delicious.
The Philosophy of Tai Chi
The Chinese philosophy of tai chi is an ancient one, and it predates the art of Tai Chi Chuan by many centuries. This philosophy permeates Chinese culture and history. The symbol for this philosophy is one that you instantly recognize:
This symbol is called the tai chi tu (tu just means “symbol” or “diagram”). This concept was adopted by the founder of tai chi, not invented by him.
So technically, if you use tai chi without the chuan at the end, then it’s not clear if you’re referring to the philosophy, or to the martial art. And since Tai Chi Chuan incorporates the philosophy of tai chi, it gets even more confusing for many people.
But now that you understand the difference, you can educate them, perhaps over a delicious cup of chai tea.
Which One Do You Want?
What if you wanted to order a delicious chai tea latte, but you didn’t know what it was called? Even worse, what if you didn’t know that such a thing existed! This is exactly what happens to a lot of tai chi students.
Many people go to learn tai chi, but what they are really looking for is qigong. They just want some simple, enjoyable exercises to improve their health. They want results, and fast. They don’t want to learn long, complex routines, and they certainly aren’t interested in martial arts. But that’s exactly what they’ll get if they go learn tai chi.
Qigong is a better option for most people, especially in the beginning. A simple qigong exercise like Lifting The Sky gives you a powerful tool for cultivating health, without all the difficulty of tai chi. This is why all of my students begin with qigong. No exceptions.
But later, after practicing Qi Gong for a few months, you may change your mind. You may want to learn something that builds strength, flexibility, and balance in addition to health. You may also want to have the option of blocking a punch or neutralizing a grab should you ever need it.
The Beauty of Tai Chi
Why might you want to learn a martial art like tai chi? In my experience, tai chi is the perfect martial art for people who think they’re not interested in martial arts. Why? Because it emphasizes using internal power rather than external strength; because it teaches you to use softness rather than aggression; because it teaches you to relax rather than tense.
These skills are not only useful in fighting, but also in daily life. For example, being able to relax under pressure is something that could easily save your life on the highway. In fact, it saved mine years ago when it helped me to avoid an oncoming truck that was trying to pass a tractor-trailer on a small, country road.
If you’re already thinking that tai chi sounds like the perfect art for women, as well as non-aggressive men, then you’re exactly right. As a small-sized man (I’m 5’7″ on a good day and 145 lbs), this is why I finally settled on tai chi as the perfect martial art for me. After trying just about every martial art under the sun, I finally accepted that I would never be able to compete with big strong guys when it comes to strength.
Luckily, I don’t have to.
Many of my students are bigger, stronger, and younger than me. Why do they have so much trouble handling me in sparring? Because I don’t play their game.
I don’t use strength. I use tai chi.
I can handle a bigger and stronger attacker despite my small size. And more importantly, because tai chi makes me relaxed and peaceful (as opposed to tense and aggressive, like some martial arts), I can still sit down, relax, and savor a delicious cup of chai tea.
Drop me a comment below if you have any questions. And if you haven’t already gotten your free e-books and your free lesson, then make sure to grab them here.
From the heart, Sifu Anthony
Excellent article!
Hi Sifu
Very nice. Read it all. I appreciate your time involved in writing all this to help others. One little thing (and I can see you laughing at this)……..
there is no such thing as Chai Tea. It is a mistake in America and many westerners have made it…not just Americans. Chai is the Hindi word for tea. Saying Chai tea is equivalent to saying tea tea in America or Chai Chai in India. See what I mean? Tea is the english word for this drink and chai is the Hindi word for it. I guess restaurants either don’t know this or they think they have to say Chai tea so people will know chai is tea. Actually we are not too stupid here in America (people can catch on fast) and most people like to learn new things….so better to put on the menu as Chai (Indian tea)…that would work!!!!
I’m glad you enjoyed it, Devaki. I already wrote that about “tea tea” in the article. But thanks for the reminder.
omg I read it all over again and saw that paragraph about tea tea…guess I read too fast the first time around…..oh so sweet…you are the first one I ever met (besides an Indian of course) who has voiced this. Even tea companies sell “Chai tea” printed right on the box!!! anyways…no biggie of course but fun to know…my favorite chai is masala chai with adrak(ginger)…..yummy. Although I never do the chai with caffeine anymore. Have not had one of your classes since 101…can you give me clue your schedule so we can get your classes once in a while?
Thank you for clearing up the misuse of Chai Tea.
I am from Asia and spotted the mistake immediately.
Thank you for the informative article, Sifu! I get to share this article with my tea-loving pals and my martial arts pals.
Now I’m curious to see what sort of glass a cup full of Cosmos would come in. Hrrm…
Any glass you like 😉.
You are funny. In Japan, Tai Chi is called Tai Kyoku Ken and Qi Gong is called Ki Ko.
I’m glad someone likes my jokes!
Nicely written article Sifu. One of the most entertaining pieces I have read on Chi in all its many forms. I personally like the green Chai with lemon. I appreciate your classes and have yet to attend a class where I did not learn something new. Just wish I could remember it all and stretch a little better in the hamstrings, but it will come in time. Your program is great. I can remember taking Karati for a few years while in the military and ending up literally black and blue all over my body and getting knee injuries from being a black belt punching bag. Now as an older adult I greatly appreciate Tai Chi Chuan and the Qi Gong blending so that one listens to the body and the internal focus instead of abusing the body while learning the martial arts the way it should be taught to improve health and wellbeing as well as general fitness. You and your family are in my family prayers daily. Chuck.
Hi Anthony, I understand you are a Greek living in Florida! This is great! I bumped into your site accidentally; I have just started Qigong classes, here in Athens, with an American teacher and I enjoy it very much. I think it is the perfect kind of exercise for people who haven’t trained for some time, like me. Nice article! Best regards.
Hi Sifu
I think someone has directed me to your fab website, I am over here in good old England typing in this and that when here I arrived, I have been studying tai chi and Qigong for around six years and have like you often thought that I would like to be able to teach and be able to help others. But hey that’s as far as I have got, but you are right sometimes we have to take a leap of faith, and I think im going to go for it (nothing ventured) as they say, I just need to build up a bit of confidence and belief, my aim is to try and teach children, so wish me luck!!!!
Off I go
Nice article, Sifu Anthony. Thank you. I learn Qigong and Tai Chi Chuan in Mumbai, India, from Sifu Carlton Hill. He has explained to us the meaning of the two, yet it was interesting to read your article. Looks like there is some resemblance in your ideologies; even Sifu Carlton is doing the same work you are doing: “giving people the tools to heal themselves without drugs or surgery”.
God bless you both, always.
Great job and I learned a few things! Thanks.
What a great article! Enlightening, powerful and refreshing like double Chai Tea in a smart cafe! Thank you so much! I’d like an Instructor like you, Sifu!
I don’t usually read anything in the computer and im not clear on how I got to your web site.but im happy idid im always willing to learn as you can see my spelling is not even that good but I was so happy that is people out there that helps people about me I practice tai chi chuan since I was a little boy my mother practice and her father too. at home we practice as away of exercise and away of self defense here at my home town I invite people to practice with me and afew people from town doe including senior citizens the practice time is at no charge to anybody we practice at a nursing home at a dance studio and at the city park as my grandfather told us anywhere can be a place of enlightenment so thank you so much for this happy experience.
I really loved your article! It’s quite informative!
Thanks, Jason. Glad it was helpful!
I am taking a class called Tai Chi Chai and I can not find it, and the instructor is burned out saying you don’t have to come if you want to, “sit and take notes” well trying to find the movements online are difficult and he teaches with his eyes closed! So I gather it is about his own QI not teaching, Have you heard of such a thing? He is being paid by the county for the senior center, which I think his eyes should be open to make sure they don’t fall, Due to no foot placement training or how to turn feet or even a simple bow stance. I am fed up to the point of contacting out county due to these elderly people are stopping in a movement due to not being able to follow this fellow, and every meeting his words are “you dont have to be here, if you don’t like it,” not proper greating for training. Or proper closing, no breathing, so I think they don’t know what they are really doing. Any suggustion? (I am second level fragrance qigong) and I do understand a bit about the enegery. This is advertised as a class. For seniors to learn balance (really by whom) I can not find Tai Chi Chai 19 movements and one is grave digging whey would you want to dig a grave?
Hi Deborah. I think you must be talking about Tai Chi Chih, not Tai Chi Chai. It’s a series of 19 or so movements created by a guy named Justin Stone.
It sounds like you might want to find another teacher.
Try my online workshop. It’s simple, and I promise I’ll keep my eyes open!
And then there’s Gong Fu tea too…
Loved it.
I am impressed that for a westerner, you know a lot about Chinese characters and pronunciation. Dee ( a Chinese who speaks both Cantonese and mandarin)
Thank you Dee. I studied Mandarin for a few years. I’m rusty now, but I still remember a thing or two. 🙂
tai chi /qi-gong competition
Dear Sifu Anthony.
May I kindly know when it may the tai-chi /qi gong competition day and what it may be the rules for individual participants.
Many regards
Fariba Saddadi MD.
Hi Fariba. I’m sorry, but I’m not sure if understand your question. If you’re asking about qigong and tai chi competitions, then I’m afraid I don’t know anything. I’ve never participated in one, and have no plans to do so.
Sifu, will you be offering Tai Chi on-line , similar to our present classes?
Tom J
Good question. At the end of the 101, you’ll get a bonus tai chi course worth $99. It will give you a simple and easy intro to tai chi.
After that, I’m seriously considering building a larger Tai Chi 101 course similar to the Qigong 101 program. I haven’t decided yet thought because my hands are already full!
This is great info. I am practicing the art of Tai chi chih. Are you familiar with this practice?
Is it still beneficial?
We use it in our mindfulness class.
Also, there is a qi gong
called Harmony, do you know this? Thanks,Sifu
Hi Dan. Tai Chi Chih was created in the 1970s by Justin Stone. I’ve never practiced it, but it’s very popular.
I’m not familiar with Harmony Qigong.
Really enjoy the info.Amitoufo
The most entertaining and educational of any article to ever compare Qi Gong and Tai Ji Quan. Enjoyed it from first to last cup of chai tea.
I’m very happy to have found your blog. I am amateur in Qi Gong, but in love with it and Tai Chi. Your articles have been very good to me, I have learned a lot from you. Thank you.
I’m glad it’s helpful!
Very much enjoyed reading your article as my health club inScotland are looking for a new instructor. It was most helpful.
Perhaps I missed it, but can you tell me, please, how to pronounce ‘Chuan’?
I’m not sure how to describe it in a Scottish accent, but it sounds like “chwahn”.
Your article is very good and informative and interesting, I also practice Tai Chi Chuan and Qigong, I’ve noticed once you start learn and practice both daily over a period of time, it becomes a way of life and part of one’s routine, you can tell when you miss a day of practice, you feel different. What I found out is, Tai Chi and Qigong never ends, you only get better knowing you’re improving your health while you’re practicing, that what motivates me.
I love your post (especially your humor… hey… I’m half Irish).
I understand that TAIJI together means ‘cosmos’ or ‘ultimate cosmos’, and that CHI in TAI CHI (or, more correctly… JI in TAIJI) means GRAND or ULTIMATE. But what exactly does TAI in TAIJI mean? I have reseached, and all my findings say that TAI CHI (or TAIJI) means ‘grand ultimate.’ I’m wondering how the words are broken down.
By the way, I view Taiji as a celebration of life.
Glad someone gets my jokes. 🙂
Tai (太) means different things, depending on the context. In modern usage as an adverb, it means “too much”. As an adjective, it means “high” or “grand” or “great”.
I usually read a book, then watch the movie.
In this case, I started training in Taiji, then studied/trained in Qigong. Perhaps I got that backwards. However, when I studied Qigong, it shed such light on my Taiji, and I began to understand Taiji (and the whole thing) much more clearly. It was actually mind-blowing. Now, it’s circles, with each method feeding itself back into each other. It’s amazing.
Thank you for your wonderful post.
Good Website i found.
Thanks Sifu Anthony, this was a really interesting article – I learned a lot and very much appreciated your sense of humor as well 🙂