Teaching Qigong and Tai Chi is a lot like parenting. You make lots of mistakes along the way. And in retrospect, I think that I may have made a mistake in being too soft on my students.
5 Things You Should Know About The Mindfulness Craze
If you’ve been paying attention lately — if you’ve been practicing mindfulness — then you’ve noticed a sudden increase in media attention about something called mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness is the latest craze sweeping across America…
14 Things I Learned on 9/11 [Updated]
Like most Americans, I watched the towers falling on TV. Unlike most Americans, I could see the smoke from the top of my roof in NYC.
How (and Why) You Should Love Yourself More
Valentine’s day is a day meant for love. But typically, the love is projected outward rather than inward. What if, instead of focusing so much love outward, you focused some of it inward? Would that be wrong?
5 Ways to Stay Zen During the Holidays [Updated]
It’s that time of year again! Time to gather with family, relax, enjoy good food and conversation, and leave all of your stress behind. Right? If that’s not how you typically experience the holiday season, if you need some help staying Zen during the holiday season, then here are 5 tips that you can start using immediately.