“If I could smile from the heart, then I wouldn’t be so !@#$%& depressed!” I didn’t say it out loud, but I thought it really loud.
I had traveled thousands of miles to learn from a world-renowned qigong master, and I was desperate to feel better.
Qigong and Tai Chi with Sifu Anthony
Published on by Sifu Anthony Korahais
Published on by Sifu Anthony Korahais
Published on by Sifu Anthony Korahais
Energy transmission seems to be a popular topic. And why shouldn’t it be? We live in an exciting time when we can corroborate ancient Eastern theories about energy with modern science. More importantly, the Internet allows us to have interesting discussions, and to share our experiences. I hope that this article inspires some of you to share your own experiences in the comments below.
Published on by Sifu Anthony Korahais
So let me get this straight: You believe in a tiny device that can call to and from virtually anywhere in the world, take high-resolution photos and post them directly to the Internet, connect with the speakers in your car, and guide you to the airport — all without wires — but you don’t believe in energy?
Published on by Sifu Anthony Korahais
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