In this edition of Ask Sifu Anthony, you’ll learn about: knee pain and qigong; the order of qigong sets; qigong and cancer support; neigong vs. qigong; lifting the tongue; post-pandemic depression and anxiety; and qigong for autoimmune conditions. About this series: I believe that students should be able to get practical, no-nonsense answers as they […]

Years ago, if you had asked me if it was okay to practice qigong while listening to music, I would have told you no. I was taught not to practice qigong to music and so I repeated the same thing to my students. Simple, right? Today, I’m a more mature teacher. I’ve learned to think […]

In this edition of Ask Sifu Anthony, you’ll find questions about the number of repetitions in qigong, practicing qigong under stressful circumstances, practicing tai chi and qigong together, neigong vs. qigong, qigong for insomnia, and a timeline for future Flowing Zen projects! I believe that students should be able to get the answers that they […]

Me, traumatized? Don’t be silly! So many people out there had it way worse! I’ll be fine. Nothing to see here…move along… This just about sums up my understanding of trauma until the year 2020. In other words, I was clueless. I remember when I first heard a student talk about something called Complex Post […]

In this edition of Ask Sifu Anthony, you’ll find questions about strength training, the importance of energy circulation, online learning, Scholar’s Qigong, the karate kiai, and more… I believe that students should be able to get the answers that they need. That’s why I work so hard answering questions in our Facebook group, inside my […]

In this edition of Ask Sifu Anthony, you’ll find questions about cancer, pain, self-compassion, qigong fasting, long-covid, and dantian theory. I believe that students should be able to get the answers that they need. That’s why I work so hard answering questions in our free Facebook group, inside my online programs, in our webinars, and […]

A month ago, we lost the great Vietnamese Zen master and peace activist, Thich Nhat Hanh, or Thay as he was known to students around the world. What would Thay (master teacher, pronounced “tay”) say about Ukraine, Putin, and the threat of nuclear annihilation? I imagine that he would tell us, first and foremost, to […]

We’re 11 days into 2022. Are you being kinder to yourself so far? Or are you beating yourself up for not sticking to your New Year’s resolutions? I mean, why do we beat ourselves up when we already know it won’t help? Why do so many of us struggle with self-compassion? Is there another option? In the 2003 […]

Like most of you, I didn’t have “Global Once-In-a-Century Pandemic” on my bingo card for 2020. Now, 20 months later, 290 million people have gotten covid, 50 million have gotten long-covid, and 5 million have died. On January 3rd, the U.S. reported 1 million new cases in a single day, shattering all previous records. As […]

I like to watch transformational videos of people losing a ton of weight or getting in crazy good shape. I find it inspiring to watch these 60-second montages of someone’s year-long transformation. You get all of the motivation with none of the effort! But how do these people do it? How does someone lose 100 pounds? How does someone relearn how to walk after a bad car accident? […]


I'm Anthony Korahais. Since 2005, I've been helping people from all over the world to get remarkable results with the ancient

Chinese healing art of qigong. This art literally saved my life, and I'm passionate about helping others discover the amazing things that it can do for them! Read More…

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