What’s all this talk about “style,” and what does it mean for the modern practitioner of qigong or tai chi? If you want to understand the truth about qigong styles, then my own journey may help you to see things clearer.
“No Qi, No Fee!!” That was the slogan on my first qigong flyer back in 2004. I was new to Florida, and relatively new to teaching qigong. I had taught karate for years, but not much qigong. Nevertheless, I was confident in my ability to help students feel the qi.
Whether you are an acupuncturist, a massage therapist, a reiki master, an energy healer, a psychic, a yoga practitioner, an interior designer (who uses feng shui), a spiritualist, or even a pianist -- you can benefit from learning about qi. And when you learn about the qi, you'll learn that there are only 12 different things you can do with it.
There's no question that daily practice is the key to success with qigong, tai chi, and any meditative art. But many people fail to practice because they don't understand the art of learning. They think that mistakes are a mistake!
I'm writing to you from beautiful Costa Rica, where I'm leading my annual (soon to be bi-annual) retreat. During the retreat, we had a wonderful discussion about what qi really feels like.
These days, people often assume that what I believe now is the same as what I believed 22 years ago, that I was never skeptical about the qi. Nothing could be further from the truth.
“Can you also direct the qi to your feet?” he asked. Mark was a new student in my studio. He told me that he had read a few books on qigong and tai chi. But his first week in the studio was an eye-opener. He was loving the experience.
I thought I understood yin and yang. I’ve been studying the philosophy for 20 years. When I went to acupuncture college, we were constantly tested on the theories of yin and yang. I thought I knew a thing or two. But it turns out I didn’t know squat.
Every week, I receive emails asking me if qigong can help with a particular rare disorder. I've never heard of most of them. I do a lot of googling, but I don't really need to...

On May 31st, 2016 I locked up my qigong and tai chi studio for the last time. As I returned the keys to the landlord, my eyes were not dry. Not even a little bit. Since 2008, the Flowing Zen Studio in Gainesville Florida has been my baby, my mission, my everything. With little more than a dream, I somehow […]


I'm Anthony Korahais. Since 2005, I've been helping people from all over the world to get remarkable results with the ancient

Chinese healing art of qigong. This art literally saved my life, and I'm passionate about helping others discover the amazing things that it can do for them! Read More…

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