Twenty years ago, in the winter of 1992, I signed up for my first martial arts class. I was nineteen years old, and a sophomore in college. Looking back on that decision, I can see that it completely changed the course of my life. Here’s how.
I Know Kung Fu
I grew up watching endless hours of Kung Fu Theater on Saturday morning TV, and I had always wanted to learn a martial art. I remember an incident from when I was about 10 years old. Instead of cowering when the local bully threatened to beat me up, I took a stance and said, “I know Kung Fu!” I didn’t, of course. I was totally bluffing. Like many kids, I often tried to copy the Kung Fu movies as best as I could. Apparently, I copied them well enough to convince the bully!
Bluffing wouldn’t work forever though. Memory of that incident was a constant reminder of my desire to learn Kung Fu. But I would have to wait. As the son of two musicians, I wasn’t encouraged to learn martial arts. I had been practicing the violin since I was 5 years old, and my parents were afraid of me hurting my hands. (Amazingly, I’ve never hurt my hands in all these years of martial arts.)
When I went away to college, I suddenly had the freedom to make my own life decisions. Signing up for a Karate class (there was no Kung Fu class, sadly) was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. After my first class, I was hooked. There was something about practicing martial arts that resonated inside me. I loved the violin, but with the martial arts, there was a feeling I hadn’t known before. (Twenty years later, I still get that same feeling.)
From Karate to Kung Fu

Before graduating from college, I would earn a black belt in Goju-Ryu Karate. After college, I tried all kinds of other martial arts — Japanese Aikido, Philipino Arnis, Western Kickboxing, Korean Tae Kwon Do, and also several styles of Okinawan Karate. But over time, I gradually drifted towards Chinese Kung Fu.
Until writing this article, I had forgotten about all the different styles of Kung Fu that I’ve learned over the years. Here’s the short list: Luohan Kung Fu, Bagua Zhang, Northern Shaolin Kung Fu, Wing Chun, Tan Tui, as well as several different types of Southern Shaolin Kung Fu. Of course, Tai Chi Chuan is a form of Kung Fu, and I’ve learned it from several different teachers.
I found a home in Kung Fu (including Tai Chi Chuan). The reason I originally drifted away from Karate was because I felt that it lacked harmony. As I ventured into the world of Kung Fu, I found more and more of that harmony.
What is a Martial Artist?
As I look back on twenty years of learning and practicing martial arts, I find myself pondering an important question: What does it mean to be a martial artist?
These days, I don’t think that it means much, at least not to the average person. It certainly doesn’t command the respect that a doctor or lawyer does. If anything, it probably commands a small amount of fear. “Oh, so you can kick my butt?” is a joke that I often hear when people find out that I’m a martial artist. “Yes, and then I can heal it afterward,” I usually joke back.
Once upon a time, martial artists were respected, not just feared. People back then understood that practicing the martial arts required years of intense discipline — discipline that couldn’t help but build character. In Asia, martial artists also acted as local peacekeepers by settling disputes and breaking up fights. One of my grand-teachers, Sifu Lai Chin Wah, was well known for being a peacekeeper in Malaysia.
More importantly, martial artists were once known as healers. Four hundred years ago, if you broke a bone, you would go visit the nearest Kung Fu master. Back then, many Kung Fu masters were also Traumatologists. They could set bones, heal sprains and contusions, and prescribe therapeutic exercises. Another of my grand-teachers, Sifu Ho Fatt Nam, was more famous as a Traumatologist than as a Kung Fu master.
Yin and Yang
What has happened to the martial arts over the past 100 years? Like many things, I think that they have lost harmony. This is especially true of Kung Fu (including Tai Chi), which is supposed to follow the principles of Yin and Yang. It could be argued that, in the 20th Century, Kung Fu lost its harmony of Yin and Yang.
If a martial art is all about fighting, like modern Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), then it has no harmony. I was like this in my early years of training. I was all about fighting, even at the expense of my health. I learned to fight, but I also took a ton of punishment and had a long list of injuries. I couldn’t heal myself, let alone another person.
Reflecting back, it was madness. Back then, my goal was to be able to defend myself from being punched or kicked. Meanwhile, I was routinely getting punched and kicked every night in class! Sure, it wasn’t as bad as on the street, but in class I still got my nose broken, my cornea scratched, and my ribs cracked. So much for defending myself! Here’s a relevant quote:
“First get your body healthy; then worry about defending it.”
– Chinese proverb.
At the other end of the spectrum, if you practice a martial art, but you cannot even block a basic punch, then you also lack balance. You might think that it sounds crazy to be a martial artist and not know how to block a punch, and you’d be right. Unfortunately, it’s quite common. For example, many Tai Chi practitioners say, “I only practice for health.” Translation: “I can’t defend myself.” Here’s a relevant quote from my teacher:
“Of those practitioners who know that Tai Chi Chuan is basically a martial art, many insist that they practice it for health and not for fighting, without reflecting that practicing a martial art without understanding its martial function is to miss its essence. Such an [imbalance of yin and yang] is contradictory to the spirit of Tai Chi Chuan.”
– Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit
Balance is everything. When you find balance, then everything falls together. That’s what happened to me. Because I found balance in my training, I am happier and healthier than I’ve ever been. Of course, I can also block a punch.
It’s funny. New students are actually surprised when they find out that I’m a martial artist. Locally, I’m best known as a healer, and that’s what most students come to me for. When I demonstrate a little Kung Fu for them, I can see the surprise in their eyes. In their minds, healers and martial artists are separate. In my mind, I’m a good healer precisely because I’m a good martial artist.
While most martial artists my age are slowing down, I’m speeding up. I’m 39 years old, and I’m in better shape than I was at age 29. I’m healthier, stronger faster, more flexible, and I have more endurance. Of course, that’s on top of already curing myself of clinical depression, a congenital heart murmur, low-back pain, and a weak immune system.
A Lifelong Pursuit
In the grand scheme of things, 20 years is nothing. This is a lifelong study. In the Kung Fu world, it’s not uncommon to hear of masters who have been practicing for 80 years. That’s what I want. I plan to live to 120, so I’ve got about 80 more years of practice!
Even after 20 years, I still love practicing. Here’s a recent video of me doing some Kung Fu while on vacation with my wife:
And here’s a recent video of me doing a Tai Chi Chuan form:
I practice every day. Very few modern martial artists are able to maintain a consistent daily practice for decades. They may teach, they may write, but they stop practicing. Personally, I think this is because they lack balance.
When you lack balance, things start to fall apart. For example, many martial artists just can’t do the same moves they could 20 years ago. After years of taking punishment and being injured, their bodies are broken. It’s very common for martial arts teachers to be unable to do half the stuff that their students can do.
Another reason martial artists stop practicing is because they get bored. Who can blame them? When you lack balance in your martial art, growth stagnates. And when you stop growing, you get bored. For example, many Tai Chi practitioners, despite practicing for health, develop knee pain as a direct result of their training. Talk about discouraging!
The Spiritual Dimension
For me, all of this talk of balance ultimately leads toward one thing: spiritual cultivation. It is no coincidence that my two favorite martial arts, Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi Chuan, were both perfected by spiritualists. They are great for your health, and also great for defense, but more importantly, they unlock the spiritual dimension.
In my Karate days, we talked about cultivating the spirit, but it was mostly talk. There was no substance. The type of training that we did wasn’t conducive for cultivating the spirit.
What does it mean to cultivate the spirit? That’s the great thing about Kung Fu and Tai Chi: If you practice them in a balanced way, then you will be able to answer that question for yourself based on your own experience. Cultivating your spirit becomes as real and tangible as cultivating flexibility or speed.
As I reflect back on 20 years in the martial arts, I look forward to the next 80 years of practice. I am truly excited to think about the benefits that the future will bring not only for me, but for my students. At the same time, I hope to help other martial artists to bring more balance into their arts. Perhaps as we all become living examples of health, happiness, power, and peace, then the term “martial artist” will regain some of its lost glory.
From the heart, Sifu Anthony
Excellent article Anthony,
Indeed an excellent and inspiring article.
Sifu Anthony and his teacher are living examples of what they teach. Exactly what every teacher should be. They are both role models for many (including myself).
I can say this as I am honoured and privileged to know them both.
I love reading about how you strive for true balance in your training.
I think when I tried to learn Kung Fu before, I couldn’t learn it because my mind was clouded–and I was stressed out about my financial crisis I was going through- I lost my job, etc. Essentially–my mind was clouded because of past and recent tragic events in my life I was still dealing with–and it interfered with my training. To really learn, which I really want to begin, finally, I must be focused on all levels–physically, spiritually, and emotionally.
I found a book on Tai Chi training that said one rule of Kung Fu to remember is; “Kung Fu is not for fighting.” I really couldn’t understand that at first..now I do.
That rule really sticks out in my head now. The book asks, “Why do you want to learn Kung Fu?” That must be answered first before training can even begin.
The book also states that many who become extremely proficient in martial arts also end up getting seriously injured or dying an early death–as direct result of their martial arts abilities…So –why do you want to learn martial arts?
This is an important question to answer. Now I know that Kung Fu –although being the best form of fighting that a human being could ever learn or do when needed- and is the direct result of the intense physical, repetative training, of doing forms and exercises, weapons training, etc..– and learning how to fight by sparring-under the guidance of a master- “is not for fighting” as the old masters say– it is –instead– to become a more complete human being. It’s actually all about being the best human being that you can be- in every way. Kung Fu offers that. When I met Grandmaster The, 10th degree black belt- in Alb., NM at the Shaolin Center, I couldn’t help it –but I had tears welling up in my eyes when I got to shake his hand and thanked him for bringing this sacred art of Kung Fu to this land from his home in China.
When I spoke to friends about taking Kung Fu training, they said, “I hope you are ready to get some bones broken, etc..like I did”,etc..but the way you learn from a real master–you don’t ever get hurt. The whole point of learning Kung Fu is learning how not to get hurt! I don’t think it’s necesary to break your bones (or someone else’s!) or get injured in any way to learn how to fight, using Kung Fu. My friend who is a 3rd degree black belt in the Shaolin Center told me I would never get hurt, learning Kung Fu from a true master. He has used Kung Fu as a way of recovering from his serious hip injury–which he got from improper training- (over-doing it) in his youth…and now he is totally healed, and in far better shape than he was in his youth.. thanks to Kung Fu. That’s exactly what Sifu Anthony said too, about his health.As you get older in Kung Fu, you get better! It’s just as valueable for “healing”— as it is for “fighting”. Ying/Yang.
A little story that my friend told me –he was at a martial arts tournament in NYC– and a little old guy from China was there–a great master,it turned out– and he was looking for “worthy students”. He asked to contest with 4 of the best fighters that they could find–all were young guys,very strong- well-built, and very skilled–all at least 2nd – 3rd degree or above level black belts–and the old man asked to fight all of them –not singly–but all at once! The fight began–and ended –almost immediately, as the old master proceeded to throw all of them around the room like they were mere rag dolls–but, very careful not to seriously injure any of them. They were all amazed–and honored. Then the old man asked to break some ice blocks–so they brought out 2 big blocks of ice, bigger than refrigerators–put them right next to eachother so they were touching–and then the old man stepped up to the blocks–and with a very sharp blow -hit the block in front of him–and that hit the block next to it–and then both blocks of solid ice –split right down the middle and crumpled to the floor in many pieces. Everyone was amazed. I love telling that story, I hope you all enjoy it.
“Kung fu is not for fighting”!
I think that’s what balance–yin/yang is all about. peace, Tim
This is probably one of your best blog posts. You let us into your world, your insight and growth. There’s a sense of vulnerability that makes you a great teacher and a student.
You show compassion and love that few martial artists possess these days.
Perhaps one day I can learn from you.
Thanks, Tommy.
Thanks, Tommy. I hope to meet you one day!
Having known you through your years practicing violin, and then Karate, it was a complete pleasure to read this post. I’m so happy to know you are so fulfilled, healthy, and serving others. Congratulations Sifu.
Liza! Good to hear from you! Thank you so much for commenting. And yes, you were right there with me through the violin days and then the Karate days. Good times!
Again, another very insightful and well written blog. (Can’t wait for your book after reading all these great blogs). I think that what you have unveiled here is part of the reason that I gave up my Karate practice years ago. Well, that and the fact that I was working a swing shift and had to miss a lot of classes. I remember watching the old Kung Fu television series and thinking that’s what I wanted. Not the brash, explosive and aggressive fighting skills of Bruce Lee and others of his kind ( though I wanted that too), but rather the calm, gentle and humble nature of Kwai Chang who unleashed his martial skills only as needed. I remember one show in particular where Kwai Chan and another man were thrown into a metal box with the door locked for some transgression. The other guy was pacing around complaining about the heat and how they were going to die while Chang sat peacefully in the corner with his eyes closed. The other guy wanted to know how he could sit so calmly without breaking a sweat and he gave some sage advice about focusing the mind on something other than the heat.
In the end the karate training was mostly about the fighting skills and not much about developing the inner skills and that is why I have gravitated so much toward the qigong training. With this I am learning about such things as yin yang theory and the five elements and the healing sounds and so on as well as the physical movements. It seems to be a much more balanced practice.
Thanks, Bill. I totally agree with you about Kwai Chang Caine, although I still have a soft spot in my heart for Bruce Lee’s movies.
Thank You, Sifu Anthony!!!
You are an inspiration!
You have a great ‘style’, conformation – if you will, “way of going” …
We have just begun, as I’ve only been studying with you 3 or 4 years – – you teach thoughtfulness concepts … I look forward to learning more about the spiritual dimension in the coming years!!
Great reading, if this article doesn’t make you want to take up martial arts, then nothing will, thanks Sifu always brilliant reading, inspirational and warm hearted.
What a great article! This idea that you can maintain balance in martial arts training and progressively become not only better at the art, but healthier as you age, is not something I thought was possible. I have been searching for some thing, some way to heal/become healthier for a long time. This article and another you wrote on Qigong healing your depression are having alot of influence on me. Your articles are come across as very genuine and down to earth. Thank you so much. I am in limbo because of discouragement on my part of not following through. Ok– 2 minutes a day– I will start with that. Thanks again.
This is a great article and it resonates very much with where I am now. I’ve been practicing and teaching karate for 36 years. For two years or so, I’ve been more and more interested in internal Chinese martial arts. It seems my mind (and body?) is tired of hardness and is seeking physical harmony and spiritual connection. Thank you for helping me put words on what I’m experiencing.
I’m glad it was helpful, Martin!