In Greece, women go topless on the beaches. In America, just a picture of a woman — not even a topless image, mind you — can make some people squirm with discomfort. Why?
Tai Chi Students — Don’t Make These 10 Mistakes
You’ve probably heard it a billion times from your teacher. “Don’t use strength!” But did you know that this phrase originally comes from a famous Tai Chi master named Yang Cheng Fu (1883–1936)?
Help! I Can’t Decide What Qigong Exercises To Practice!
In the old days, disciples were lucky to learn a handful of Qigong and/or Tai Chi exercises. The question of what to practice never really arose. You simply practiced everything you knew!
Ask Sifu Anthony – March 2014
There’s a lot of research that suggests that asking questions is an essential part of learning. My experience says that this is true. I always take time for Q&As in my classes and workshops because I feel that it’s an essential part of bringing Qigong, Tai Chi, and Meditation into the 21st century.
Avoid This Qigong Mistake to Supercharge Your Results
Once you stop making this mistake, you’ll immediately start seeing better results. Immediately. Not 3 months later, and not even 3 days later, but immediately.