“When I first started with Flowing Zen, one of the students told me it was life changing. At the time I thought ‘okay, maybe’, but after only 4 months I can
say it has changed my life forever, and I am truly
grateful for Sifu Anthony. With heartfelt thanks!!!!”
“I have specifically found Flowing Zen Qigong to be effective in the treatment of stress, high blood pressure, and digestive issues. I recommend it to my friends and patients as one of the single most effective practices they can choose to improve and safeguard their health.”
“My experience with Sifu Anthony and Flowing Zen has been energizing, inspiring, and spiritually healing, even blissful. In a year and a half of classes and practice I’ve lost 20 pounds, my knees no longer hurt, my acid reflux is gone, and my bone density has maintained and in one area increased.”
“The majority of physical complaints that caused me to try Flowing Zen have disappeared. I have learned effective ways to handle stress and pain. I feel better
and take less medication than I have in the past 20 years.”
and I used qigong (pronounced "chee gung") to heal from clinical depression, low back pain, anxiety, and chronic fatigue. Today, I'm the director of Flowing Zen, an international organization with students in 48 counties. I've been teaching qigong since 2005, I've served on the board for the National Qigong Association, and I’ve helped thousands of people to use qigong for their own stubborn health challenges. If you're ready to get started with qigong, there's no better way than my best selling book, which comes with free videos and meditations. The sooner you read my book, the sooner you can start healing! Click here to see my book on Amazon. (Edit)